
Our "Captiva" Review

Rated: 6.5 out of 10
by CelluliteTreatment.org

.best cellulite cream

Are you looking for an effective anti-cellulite cream called Captiva? Well, maybe you should be looking for an effective anti-cellulite workout program instead. That's what the manufacturers of the non-existent, make-believe cellulite cream called Captiva would have consumers believe, at least. Order your supply now, and a magical unicorn will deliver it to you as soon as the next rainbow appears over your local skyline.

In all seriousness, though, there is no such thing as an anti-cellulite cream called "Captiva". Searching for the product on Google, however, leads you to dozens of identical websites which either trigger a "404 page not found" error, or re-direct you to a long presentation video (at least 20 minutes total) trying to convince you to buy the Naked Beauty/Symulast exercise program.

The Naked Beauty/Symulast System

A physical trainer named Joey Atlas, a self-proclaimed "Women's Body Enhancement Specialist", has designed what is allegedly the only and also the most effective way for the Everyday Woman to get rid of the lumpy, dimpled skin on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. It includes a variety of different exercise videos to eliminate cellulite, flatten your tummy, and tone up flabby arms. It also contains a PDF with an exercise schedule, "top secret" cardio exercises, and an anti-cellulite cheat sheet.

How to Use Naked Beauty/Symulast

It's fairly simple: First, read all of the supplementary materials. Next, decide when you can squeeze in the time to work out. Then load up the exercise video, press play, and perform the movements seen on screen. According to Mr. Atlas, this will eliminate your cellulite woes in 60 days or less, or you can request a refund.

Naked Beauty/Symulast Pros

  • Alleviates one of the three main causes of cellulite: weak lower body muscles
  • You pay a one-time fee; no need to keep re-ordering more product
  • The exercises are supposed to be easy enough for any woman to perform
  • 60-day money back guarantee
  • Electronic access means no waiting for shipping

Naked Beauty/Symulast Cons

  • Bait-And-Switch advertising tactics might insult many potential consumers
  • Does not address the other two causes of cellulite: subcutaneous fat deposits and loose skin

How Much Does the Naked Beauty/Symulast System Cost?

You can order the Naked Beauty/Symulast workout program online for a one-time fee of $49.95.

Our Comprehensive Evaluation of Naked Beauty/Symulast

Amazon reviews of the cellulite-targeting Joey Atlas workout videos were either largely underwhelming, or generously forgiving of the low production value and inflated price of the videos. Other complaints also pointed out that you can find similar exercises for free with a simple google search. And while our review staff commends him for pointing out that poor muscle tone is one of the main causes of cellulite, we (and by "we", we mean "science") have to disagree on his philosophy that you won't continue to have cellulite, even with great muscle tone, if you do not also address the problem of loose skin and subcutaneous fat deposits - two problems which effective cellulite creams can fix.

Of course, the Naked Beauty/Symulast System isn't the only anti-cellulite cure out there. Our reviews section gives you options - and the top pic may surprise you!

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