
Cellulite Cream

.best cellulite cream

If you have cellulite, then no doubt you've seen a large number of anti cellulite cream products for sale at your dermatologist's office, online and even at the drug store. Some cellulite cream packaging makes outrageous claims -- "Eliminates your cellulite in hours!" is a favorite. You may be wondering if any of these cellulite cream promises are for real.

We've taken the time to sift through the hype and give you the bottom line: you can use an anti cellulite cream to smooth away problem areas.

Cellulite treatment creams versus anti cellulite surgery

cellulite treatment In the recent past, cellulite cream was not considered a serious alternative to medical procedures (liposuction or mesotherapy for instance). Many dermatologists and aestheticians continue to recommend surgical procedures to their patients.

There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, doctors profit immensely from performing anti cellulite procedures for their clients. Second, anti cellulite surgeries like liposuction have predictable results. Additionally many doctors consider that their patients wouldn't come to them for non-medical, over-the-counter cellulite cream products and offer the more invasive medical alternatives.

Fortunately, the science of dermatology advances ever faster, producing excellent results from non-invasive, topical cellulite treatment creams. Cellulite cream will never have the same results as liposuction but is still a safe and effective alternative for most women.

Anti cellulite cream active ingredients

The ingredients found in anti cellulite cream focus on producing one of the following results:

  • toning and tightening the skin
  • boosting fat metabolism to diminish cellulite
  • diminishing fluid retention

Ingredients in cellulite cream range from the old stand-bys like caffeine (reduces subcutaneous fluid) and shea butter (skin toner) to the latest peptide molecules (stimulate collagen production to smooth away cottage cheese thighs). A large number of anti cellulite creams contain unproven or unstudied ingredients that may prove to be effective. We recommend using a cellulite cream that makes use of proven ingredients.

Cellulite cream review

We've analyzed the most popular cellulite cream products on the market today. If you're looking for an unbiased cellulite cream review you've come to the right place. Take the guesswork out of buying -- save time and money -- and get rid of cellulite today!

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